Forest Tales

Follow the adventures of Forest the Portuguese Water Dog in his very own series of illustrated short stories written to inspire young people to value the forest and to highlight the importance of living in a healthy forest ecosystem.

Through a fun, funny, and educational narrative, kids can follow Forest’s real life excursions though the local woodlands of Western Pennsylvania.

Superb illustrations help young readers develop a deep connection to the character and his quest to explore the forested world around him. Read some of the excerpts below.

Forest Tales, logo
Forest Tales, logo
Follow the adventures of Forest the Portuguese Water Dog in his very own series of illustrated short stories written to inspire young people to value the forest and to highlight the importance of living in a healthy forest ecosystem.

Through a fun, funny, and educational narrative, kids can follow Forest’s real life excursions though the local woodlands of Western Pennsylvania.

Superb illustrations help young readers develop a deep connection to the character and his quest to explore the forested world around him. Read some of the excerpts below.

Dog walking by water, illustration

Forest sniffs his way along the trail. It smells like other animals.

In the daytime this trail is used by mountain bikers and horseback riders.

In the night it belongs to the wild animals and they smell great!

Woodpecker on tree

The sound echoes through the woods. He can’t see it yet, but he thinks he knows what it is. A woodpecker, and by the sound of it, a big one!

Let’s investigate! Forest follows the sound. Thwock Thwock. Up the hill through a patch of Hay Scented ferns. Thwock. He is getting close. Ahead is a big dead tree. Forest walks around to the other side where the sound is coming from.

Woah!! There it is…Shhhhh, don’t scare it away. It’s the biggest woodpecker he’s ever seen.

Dog walking by water, illustration

There is a Musclewood tree! It’s easy to identify because its branches look like strong muscles. Musclewood is the common name for this species.

It also has a scientific name. Car-pi-nus ca-ro-lin-i-ana. Carpinus caroliniana hangs its branches over the water and drops its seeds in the creek. Seeds float on lazy water looking for a good spot to grow.

Certified Therapy Dog

When he is not out having adventures, Forest spends his time as the official Reforest Our Future mascot and has recently become a Certified Therapy Dog though Misty Pines therapy dog certification process, where his calm demeanor and lovable mannerisms made him an ideal candidate to pass the course.

Misty Pines Certificate

Forest Visits Beaver County Schools


Reforest Our Future is bringing Forest Tales to life at Beaver County schools with visits by Forest himself. Elementary students are able to interact with the dog by reading the Forest Tales story to him and enjoying some playtime. Kids will also be engaged in a discussion about the story they have just read.

The Forest Tales program is designed to return to a class multiple times during the school year. With each visit, a new tale from the series will be presented to the students who will be able to build on their knowledge and receive their very own copy of Forest Tales to take home and add to their collection.

Contact Executive Director: Jeffrey Karwoski for program scheduling, fees and more details at:

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